Soul Intention and Life Purpose Reading

Spiritual development is about getting in touch with the divine light within yourself and living from that place. Everything that happens to us – be it in our personal life, work, or relationships - is meaningful, and will reflect back to us those aspects of the inner light of our Soul that wants us to discover and connect more consciously at this time. Knowing yourself and your Soul’s intention for evolution will not only help you make sense of your everyday experience and the path you have been on so far, but it will also empower you to consciously make decisions and confidently move forward in life.

Using a combination of Astrology, Creative Imagination, and Depth Psychology, we will explore and discover together the intention of the evolution of your soul in this lifetime, how it has manifested in your everyday experience so far, and what adjustments are needed in order to align with your life purpose.

Dream Interpretation

Even the most banal or vaguely remembered dreams hold treasure troves of information for your spiritual development. They reveal to you all your true potential, answer difficult questions, and reflect your soul’s intention and direction of evolution in this lifetime. In this reading, we will unfold together the deeper meaning of a dream you had, and explore its relevance to the issues you are currently dealing with, potential solutions or guidance it may contain, and how it all connects with your life purpose.

Adi Andrei

I am a former NASA scientist who eventually discovered that consciousness and our personal inner space is more vast, more alive, and much more rewarding to explore than anything in the space programme.

I have been doing astrology readings and dream interpretations for spiritual development for over 10 years online, by phone, as well as at different psychic fairs and meetups, helping people see the bigger picture of what is going on in their lives and connect with the deeper wisdom within themselves.

Apart from readings, I have also been involved in developing tools and techniques for self-knowing and dream interpretation, including web and mobile

apps which you can find here:

Hitomi Sakamoto, Ph.D., MARH

I am a holistic therapist and psychotherapist with 30 years of experience in UK, US and Japan. The sessions and workshops I offer integrate traditional and non-traditional approaches including psychology, homeopathy, anthroposophy, astrology, shamanic healing techniques, and intuitive knowing, in order to support the unique life purpose of each person.

One of my passions is to “support those who support others” through their professions. I have decades of experience working with counselors, school teachers, medical professionals, consultants, alternative therapists, and healers, among others, who strive to be of better service to individuals and groups.

I am also the author of “The Dream Compass: Using Dreams as Your Guide” ( ), and have been involved in creating web and mobile apps for self-development ( ).