"My life work is to link Heaven and Earth together through creative art, meditation, and knowledge. to empower, guide and support people to connect with the angels and their inner divinity, to bring the inner divinity into people's lives on a day-to-day basis”

Debbie has a unique gift that has been with her since she was 14 years old. Debbie has many life experiences and coupled with her spiritual abilities it has enabled her to empower others. She has worked with religious faiths, spiritual people, and psychics, and as seen from her testimonials she has helped many people.

Debbie has experienced visions, prophesy, and automatic handwriting, and had premonitions and an out-of-body experience following a serious car accident. She can see angels, orbs, and spirits.

Debbie has a private angel room where she holds meetings, readings, and meditation & prayer. Debbie is also creative and makes angel figures, books, broaches, jars, etc. Please look at the Crystal Angels tab for more information. Finally, Debbie works with the local community and offers people to bring their workshops, and courses to Woodside Barn and dates are on the website but for further information please contact the relevant tutor.

“A Message From Divine Messenger”